I just got back from four days on the mighty Rogue River. It's good to be back adventuring

It's Wednesday, Hump Day, and Mika the wonder puppy (who has put on twenty pounds in two months) and I are heading for the beach today. I've finally got all the gear stowed again after a trip on the the Rogue River, which was my first adventure in some time.

Let's talk.

First, all credit to Oregon River Experience, which specializes in the great rivers of the Pacific Northwest and has evolved to specializing as well in taking out older clients, for an excellent job. I'll be writing more on this later but want to extend an invitation right now to any and all of you (NancyL, Penny Nelson and others I see you) who would like to join me on a future trip. Please seriously consider this, I would love to have a group of us who are connected via Medium/Walkabout/Substack etc do a river trip together. Now that I've been down the Rogue, I feel completely comfortable making that invitation.

This morning I am off to the Coast for Hump Day and to meet up with a new friend, a counselor whose dog Mika fell in love with a few weeks ago. All part of continuing to build community. I wanted to get this off before I left.

The big questions I had for this trip, four gorgeous days on the mighty Rogue with all her twists, turns, rapids and genuinely dangerous rocky passages, was what kind of shape my feet were in. The rest of me I largely trust, but for my right hand. That thumb is loosey-goosey and that's apparently why I keep dropping coffee cups.

And other pretty things, but I digress.

The big question was can I hike? Can I boulder? Can I engage at even a beginner's level on such a trip? There were all manner of lovely, small side hikes to see Zane Grey's cabin, for example, and other sites along this piece of exquisite wilderness.

The answer was yes. While mornings and evenings my feet spoke to me rudely in Icelandic, I was indeed able to play. I have no clue at all if I will ever have feet that don't scream at me part of the day, but at least from about 8 am to 5 pm, they don't hurt and I can play hard. Maybe not run hard again but by god I can hike rocks, I can climb up and down hills, and I can return to adventures.

So I am celebrating. After all this time, all these surgeries and all that stress and pain, I spent four perfect June days on one of the world's great rivers, in the company of fine people and led by three excellent guides.

I cannot say enough about the competence of the operation, the ridiculously good food (and I am not one to go over the top about edibles unless we're discussing pastries) and the unbelievable scenery. This is an outfit which takes into careful consideration any physical issues you and I might have, and works hard to make sure we get the absolute most out of the experience no matter what we're dealing with.

In one instance I was in stitches listening to our lead guide Rylin regale us with a story about "six spherical women" who- in direct contrast to men- paddled in perfect synchronicity and swept their paddle boat perfectly down the river. This was in no way either a negative or insulting observation- this was intended as a compliment to six women who pulled powerfully in unison to get the job done. What appealed to me most about this story is that as a farm girl born and bred, most women I grew up with were, indeed, "spherical (including both my mother and myself at one point)" and they were incredibly focused and strong.

The false assumption that the only folks who belong in the wild are twenty- to-forty something versions of Bear Grylls is happily debunked.

I'll be writing more about this soon. This is why I've been quiet- it was a big undertaking with some very funny mistakes and some big wins. Above all, I am back adventuring. That said, for those of you who are interested in this aspect of my life (Randy Roig, I see you too), while some doors may have swung shut for now or even permanently, the truth is that there are plenty of things I can still do and will do.

LindaR, if you can afford some time away and feel like this might be a real breath of fresh air for you, please consider.

I can't think of anything that would give me more joy than to help organize a group of us, whoever wishes to do such a trip, on the Rogue, via Road Scholar (also via Oregon River Experience), and make this a memorable adventure.

Put the idea on the back burner and let me know. Watch for more stories. A reminder, please, I am going to be migrating Walkabout over to Substack sooner rather than later, some of you have already shifted to Substack, please do what works for you. As always heartfelt thanks for your support.

New tent being field tested by my new dog Mika

Thanks as always for coming along. Please comment, share your thoughts and ideas. Above all, please fill the time you have with love, laughter and hope.