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Walkabout Saga

You were born with a wanderer’s soul. An insatiable thirst for life beyond the boundaries. A curiosity. You don’t want just to read. You want to See. Touch. Explore. Experience.

Finally, Back in the Saddle Again

I just got back from four days on the mighty Rogue River. It's good to be back adventuring

A Late Spring Assessment as Adventure Season Begins

Mika takes over my bed, for now

The Constant Challenge of the Changing, Aging Body

A recent metabolic test provides important news and demands more adjustments

Dumb Claims and Silly Science: No Wonder We're Confused

Two articles underscore why it's so hard to figure out our best lives. Answer? Be careful whom you believe

The Prices We Pay, and Why It's Worth It

It's been 26 years, and I forgot everything about puppy training

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